Neoplatonism (Proclus in particular):
An Introduction to Proclus’ Theoretical Philosophy – An introduction to Proclus’ psychology, cosmology and metaphysics.
Reconsidering Neoplatonic Theurgy – (coauthored with Christoph Helmig) draft article on the nature of theurgy (ritual practice) in late Neoplatonism, including a discussion of influential contributions to the discussion by English and French scholars. We argie for a unified understanding of theurgy against interpretations divide into a “magical” part and a “mystical” one.
Ascent of the Soul and Grades of Freedom. Neoplatonic Theurgy between Ritual and Philosophy – (coauthored with Christoph Helmig) an abbreviated version of the previous article, with a focus on the concept of freedom.
Time, King of Heaven and Earth: Proclus on Timeless and Timebound Metaphysics – Proclus sees time as a divinity that takes on the functions of the Stoic Zeus and the Aristotelian first unmoved mover, and thereby implicitly criticizes the non-Platonist schools for not ascending to any higher gods than the god Chronos.
Proclus on Time and the Units of Time – Proclus does not only speak of Time as a god, but also of the Day, the Year, and the Month as gods. I show that Proclus understands these principles as Kinds of Intelligence (noes) and inmoved movers in the Aristotelian sense.
Proclus and Thomas on the Necessity of Evil – Both Proclus and Saint Thomas argue in a certain way that evil is necessary. Proclus claims that vice is necessary for the perfection of the cosmos, whereas Saint Thomas argues that the creation of reprobate souls is a consequence of God’s superabundant goodness. I present and compare their arguments.
The Conspiracy of the Good: Proclus’ Theodicy qua Political Theological Paradigm – Political Theology seeks theological models to explain social arrangements and their understandings of the common good. In this article I show how the Neoliberal conceptio of the common good can be better understood in light of Proclus’ theology and its explanation of evil. I further criticize previous attempts of finding the root of Neoliberalism in Christian understandings of the good.
Freedom under the Laws of Fate in Proclus – a brief presentation for a wide audience of Proclus’ theory of evil.
Review of “Proclus, Dirk Baltzly, John F. Finamore, and Graeme Miles (eds., trs,), Commentary on Plato’s Republic, Volume I, Essays 1-6, Cambridge University Press, 2018,” – review of a recent English translation of the first essays of Proclus’ Commentary on Plato’s Republic. I highlight the problem of evil as a guiding thread connecting the essays.
Proclus and the Problem of Theomachy (Part I) – a series of blogs posts on Moses Atticizing on how Proclus would explain the existence of conflict amongst the gods, for instance, between the Christian God and the pagan Gods.
Proclus and the Unhypothetical Science of Metaphyscis (Parte III: 1 e 2) – presentation of the structure of Proclus’ metaphysics, originally part of a course on the Elements of Theology.
Brazilian Philosophy:
A Brazilian Philosopher on the Plurality of Afterlives: “Religion, Salvation and Immortality” by Vicente Ferreira da Silva – translation with introduction and notes of “Religião, Salvação e Imortalidade” of Vicente Ferreira da Silva
Julio Cabrera and the Problem of Evil – presentation of Júlio Cabrera;s criticism of the problem of evil in his book “Discomfort and Moral Impediment.”
“The Nay Science and the History of Philosophy” – review of Vishwa Adluri’s and Joydeep Bagchee’s “The Nay Science”, a genealogical critique of German Indology, focusing on how their insights on the humanities more generally can be used in the study of the history of philosophy.
A História da Filósofia e a Leitura dos Filósofos – a reflection on the relation between philosophical thought and the history of philosophy.
Metaphysics and the Return to the Cave – s personal reflection on the relation between the philosophical life and the common good.
Political Philosophy:
Social and National Unity in Othmar Spann – presentation of some basic concepts of the social and political philosophy of Othmar Spann (1878-1950), an Austrian philosopher that was central for the so-called “conservative revolution”.
Thread on Männerbund and Catholicism – Twitter thread written as an introduction to the theories of Benedikt Friedländer e Hans Blüher and also to explain why I believe their theories can be useful to gay Catholics.
Bolsonaro e a Demonização do Brasil (Part I and Part II) – Political-theological analysis of the Covid crisis in Brazil under Bolsonaro’s government. I explain two ways in which Bolsonaro “demonizes” the country, one connected to the role Brazil plays in the glogbal understanding of the crisis, another connected to Bolsonaro’s neoliberal project.
Theological Fictions:
Meeting the Trinity in the Bridal Chamber – a fictional sermon on receiving the Trinity in the Eucharist and on extending the nuptial metaphor of God as the bridegroom of the Church/the individual soul to all three persons of the Trinity.
A Sermon to the Sodomites – a fictional sermon on the possible unity of gay identity and Catholic faith in a Sodomite vocation.
Sermon on a Holy Death – a fictional sermon on Death as a holy reality.
A Letter on the Love of God (Part I e Part II) – a letter on God’s love for the reprobate.
On the Proper Object of Sight – excerpt of a work in progress, a dialogue on sexuality, love, friendship, politics and the common good.