Online and face-to-face philosophy courses will be announced on this page, where you will find brief descriptions of classes that I offer together with links to pages dedicated to the courses with the syllabus and content of each course and practical details, such as time, place, cost and methods of payment.
Time and the Gods – Starts in November!
An introduction to the theory of time of the Platonist Proclus, the most systematic Platonist of antiquity. It will take place over seven classes in seven weeks in November-December. The classes will be synchronous classes over zoom.
Private Philosophy Classes
Private classes to help guide you on your own philosophical studies. I offer a range of services, from designing a bibliography for you to follow on your own all the way to regular classes where we meet and read together a text in class.
Close Readings of Proclus’ Works
Classes centered around a particular work of Proclus, the most systematic Neoplatonic philosopher. Go to the site to see an overview of his works and to see all the myriad philosophical subjects he discussed.
What previous students have said:
“In the beginning of 2021, Dr. Antonio Vargas initiated a reading group led by him on the text “The Elements of Theology” by Proclus. Antonio translated Proclus’ propositions himself from Greek to Hebrew, and in the lessons, we discussed the proper interpretation of the text while equipped with the insight that Proclus seeks to construct a comprehensive metaphysical system. Throughout the course, the members of the reading group came to understand that the text “The Elements of Theology” contains a metaphysical system that is not inferior to the historical metaphysical systems of individuals like Leibniz or the German idealists. Antonio’s expertise lies in both the broader historical philosophical tradition and the other texts of Proclus and Neoplatonists, allowing us to draw far-reaching analogies and making the reading as a whole an intellectually stimulating adventure. The members of the reading group came from diverse backgrounds: philosophy, classical studies, Jewish thought, and lay learners. Dr. Vargas’ guidance succeeded in providing each participant with valuable insight that contributed to their occupation in general.” – Eli Rothenberg
“For several years now, I have been following Antonio’s work with a special admiration for the diversity of his interests and his attention to the original languages of his sources. All these qualities stand out in his course ‘Calling God by Name,’ on the philosophy of divine names in Joseph Gikatilla, which I found very beneficial and highly recommend in case it is reopened.” – Diogo Rosas
“Having had access to this course was undoubtedly phenomenal. It has already ended, but from time to time, I return to the explanations and materials provided to reflect on the topics covered once again. And I will continue to do so for a long time! The supporting materials provided are excellent and very helpful as well.” – Guilherme Batz