Foto Credit: Tal Ninyo
Are you curious about philosophy but don’t know where to start?
Is there a specific school or epoch of philosophy that you want to understand better?
Are you looking for a course, but can’t find one that fits your schedule?
Do you have a specific question or issue that you want to dive into, sucha s the problem of evil or the nautre of beauty, but you can’t find a course on it?
After mastering the basics of a new language, are you looking for the challenge of reading its philosophers in the original?
Then private philosophy classes can help you out! I offer the following services:
- Study Course Design: According to what you already know and what you want to learn, I will assemble a bibliography on a subject of your choice, together with an order of readings to guide you.
- Individual Study Supervision: regular meetings (weekly/biweekly/monthly, as needed) to discuss questions that come up during your own studies. If you’re following a study course of my design, these meetings will also be a good opportunity to update the bibliography and reading order as new difficulties and interests arise. This is a good option for people who find it difficult to keep to a study course on their own.
- Private Lessons following a Study Course: In these lessons, we’ll undertake a course of studies on the basis of one or more texts. The texts will be read before each class and during the class, I will teach on the basis of the readings. Classes will be partly in a lecture and partly in a discussion format.
- Joint Close Reading: In these lessons, we will read together a text or series of texts together during our study sessions. As we read I will comment on the text and offer explanations of difficult points. This is a good format for students whose schedule does not permit them to do readings on their own between lessons.
- Philosophical Writing Exercise: I am willing to read and comment on texts you write on philosophical subjects. I can offer general comments, or I can focus on a specific point or skill you are trying to improve: logical structure, arguments, engaging with the history of philosophy, engaging with contemporary research, or connection between philosophy and day-to-day life, for instance.
- Reading Philosophical Texts in the Original: In these classes, we will read together philosophical texts in a language of which you are an advanced student. I can offer to read texts in English, Portuguese, German, French, Ancient Greek, Latin, and Modern Hebrew. The focus of the lesson will be to understand the philosophical content of the texts, but aspects of the language will be dealt with as needed, especially to underline intentions of the author that could go unnoticed in a translation.
Classes can be in person or online and can include up to three students. Please get in touch at antoniov at gmail dot com for inquiries.